National Eye Care Project Helpline 1-800-222-3937
Medical Eye Care for the Nation’s Disadvantaged Senior Citizens
Callers who meet the eligibility requirements are mailed the name of a volunteer ophthalmologist in their community. Participating doctors provide medical eye examinations and treatment for any condition or disease diagnosed. Eyeglasses, prescriptions, hospital services and other medical services are not covered under the program.
Participants are members of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the Arizona Ophthalmological Society. There are approximately 70 participating locations in the state of Arizona.
Celebrate Sight – Formerly Glaucoma 2001 1-800-222-3937
Callers are provided information to educate themselves about Glaucoma. Those at high risk may be referred to a Celebrate Sight volunteer. For uninsured patients without the means to pay, the cost of the glaucoma examination and any necessary medical treatment for glaucoma are waived.
Participants are members of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the Arizona Ophthalmological Society.
The National Society to Prevent Blindness 1-800-221-3004
The Society has a Home Eye Test for Adults which is avialable for $1.25 and several free pamphlets on specific diseases affecting the eyes.
The Vision Foundation
The Foundation publishes the Vision Resource List, which includes information on special products and services for visually impaired people. Write to the Foundation at 818 Mt. Auburn Street, Watertown, MA 02172.
The American Foundation for the Blind 1-800-232-5463
The Foundation can send a list of free publications on vision. Their address is 15 W. 16th Street, New York, NY 10011.
The National Association for the Visually Handicapped
The Association is a voluntary health agency that works with people who can partially see. Their address is 22 West 21st Street, New York, NY 10011.
Prevent Blindness America 1-800-331-2020
This is the nation’s leading volunteer eye health and safety organization dedicated to fighting blindness and saving sight through public and professional education, community and patient services programs, and research.
Arizona Chapter 602-266-4143
National Eye Institute 301-496-5248
The Institute emphasizes the importance of vision rehabilitation for people with low vision. Provides helpful resources and information to people with low vision and to their families. They have an outreach program aimed at health care professionals and social service organizations to increase their awareness of low vision issues and resources. The web site provides additional information on financial assistance under
‘Public Lists.’
Macular Degeneration International 520-797-2525
Serving persons with Juvenile and Age-Related Macular Degeneration.
http://www.maculardegeneration.org info@maculardegeneration.org
Eschenback Direct 800-487-5389